Monday, 10 August 2015

Prank your friend, but don’t disgrace them

Pranks are always made for fun and they mostly played on the person who you know very well. But, it is often seen that sometime people just cross the line of mutual respect while making a prank and ultimately prank ends in the utmost disgrace and humiliation. The sole objective of a prank is to bring the smile on a person’s face and let him/her cheer life with laughter leaving aside all worries and fury.

A good prank brings a lot of laughter not only to the faces of the people who have executed the prank, but also to the face of a person on whom prank has been played. But, when a simple prank just passes the limits of leniency and respect then it becomes quite negative that could go to the extent of spoiling the relations.

If you are playing a funny prank call then most important is to make a prank pretty clean and straight forward. There should not be involved any physical harm or physical sufferings to the person to whom prank is being played. These day’s many people believe that they can get maximum joy out of their prank when they let someone down physically till the level of disgrace and humiliation. People who play prank should recall that objective of a prank is not to entertain themselves, but also to turn on the person on whom prank is been played.