Monday 12 October 2015

Using professional prank call services for playing pranks

Pranks are always a great thing to do with friends or family members. These are the little moments that bring great amount of joy and happiness in our lives. Whenever you are playing a prank through a prank call, make sure that you need a professional prank call expert to make your prank successful. You may seek the services of professional prank call companies to play a phone call prank on your friend. There are certainly many things that could make a difference in your prank with a professional funny prank calls. When you decided to play a prank on your friend by self, you might not consider a good approach and likely your prank remain unsuccessful. On the other hand a professional prank caller first understands the entire situation and creates a storyline to play a successful prank.

The prank is all about tricking the person, and when you are playing a professional prank call, and then voice modulation is important. The voice of a person should not be familiar, otherwise victim will understand and prank would be a failure. The professional prank callers is expert in altering their voices, so the victims would never get a hint of the prank played on them. 

Tuesday 8 September 2015

How to set the timing of a perfect prank call?

Prank calls are always best thing to do when you want a spice in your life and also to make other people happy. A prank call is nothing but a fake phone call that makes person either irritated or agitated, but it is just for a prank and there are no serious intentions behind. Usually, prank calls were successful when depending on the timing of a prank.  Whenever you are playing any funny prank calls on other person, make sure that the timing of the call should be correct and appropriate.

A good prank call can only be executed when the person receives the call and should be in a position to talk and listen at that very moment. To ensure this, you need to select a perfect call time, when the other person was not in any hurry or doing any urgent work like driving, reading or might be watching a movie. Because this is usually a human nature when we remain busy then we tends to ignore the phone calls or even text massages. This might be a tough thing to do, but not impossible. You need to keep observing about the routine of the person whom on which prank is likely to be played. You need to gather some information like what person usually does in the morning, afternoon and in the evening. You might be able to know that person in the morning goes to college or work and in the evening he /she mostly spent time at home all alone. So, perhaps this might be the right time to call the person and execute your prank successfully. In this way there is more probability that your prank will be successful.

Monday 10 August 2015

Prank your friend, but don’t disgrace them

Pranks are always made for fun and they mostly played on the person who you know very well. But, it is often seen that sometime people just cross the line of mutual respect while making a prank and ultimately prank ends in the utmost disgrace and humiliation. The sole objective of a prank is to bring the smile on a person’s face and let him/her cheer life with laughter leaving aside all worries and fury.

A good prank brings a lot of laughter not only to the faces of the people who have executed the prank, but also to the face of a person on whom prank has been played. But, when a simple prank just passes the limits of leniency and respect then it becomes quite negative that could go to the extent of spoiling the relations.

If you are playing a funny prank call then most important is to make a prank pretty clean and straight forward. There should not be involved any physical harm or physical sufferings to the person to whom prank is being played. These day’s many people believe that they can get maximum joy out of their prank when they let someone down physically till the level of disgrace and humiliation. People who play prank should recall that objective of a prank is not to entertain themselves, but also to turn on the person on whom prank is been played.